

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

IRS Tax Forms and Publications

IRS Withholding Calculator - Are you having difficulty filling out Form W-4 with your employer? Or try Kiplinger's easy-to-use withholding calculator.

IRS Where's My Refund - Access this secure Website to find out if the IRS received your return and whether your refund was processed and sent to you.

IRS Understanding your notice - Do you need to see what an IRS notice says, but don't have it in front of you? If you know the notice number, you can look up its purpose, basic message, possible enclosures, and other useful details.

Federal vehicle credits for plug-in hybrids and electric cars.  State incentives for various states.

Social Security Number Verification - Employers:  Verify employees' Social Security numbers over the internet

Social Security benefits calculator.  This quick calculator does NOT access your earnings record, it estimates your earnings based on information that you provide.

Tax Almanac  - a free online tax research resource and community, Wikipedia style.



Colorado Department of Revenue

Tax Account Information Service - Get information about the status of your current income tax refund and other information about your Colorado income tax account

Colorado Child Care Contribution Credit - Taxpayers that make a monetary contribution to promote child care in Colorado may claim an income tax credit of 50% of the total contribution on their Colorado income tax return.  See my December, 2007 newsletter, The Colorado Child Care Contribution Credit - What a deal!

Larimer County, Colorado Enterprise Zone "project" Tax Credit - In addition to the federal charitable contribution deduction, receive a 25% Colorado credit when you contribute to an Enterprise Zone "project."

Colorado's Tax Credit Resources - the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT) website has a comprehensive list of business tax credits.

Colorado Department of Labor and Unemployment


Fun Stuff (for tax geeks like me, that is)

U.S. President, Vice President and candidate's tax returns

History of American taxation from The Tax History Museum

Tax statistics - produced by the Statistics of Income Division and Other Areas of the IRS

Top federal income tax rates since 1913 - Citizens for Tax Justice

The first 1040 and instructions in 1913 - Wow!  Only 4 pages... The Tax History Project has collected the U.S. 1040 tax forms from 1913 to 2006 here.

FindLaw's U.S. Federal and State laws - cases, codes, statutes, regulations

Individual Income Confession - Just think, you could be filing a return like this.

Inflation Calculator - The U.S. Inflation Calculator measures the buying power of the dollar over time.  Start from any date from 1913 on.


Joke by Randy Bish, Pittsburgh, PA -- the Tribune-Review:

Yes, an accountant's idea of fun is different from everybody else's...


In the news

President Obama's 2011 Form 1040:  28 pages, not including instructions which were 189 pages in 2011.  Their average federal tax rate was 32.66% (Total Tax divided by Taxable Income).

View the Obama's 2012 Form 1040 and Illinois tax return here.  Their average federal tax rate was 33.50% (Total Tax divided by Taxable Income).

The President's 2013 income tax returns filed April 8, 2014 can be viewed here.  Their average federal tax rate was 29.45% (Total Tax divided by Taxable Income).

The Obama's 2014 average federal tax rate was 29.37% (Total Tax divided by Taxable Income). See their 2014 tax returns here.

The Obama's 2015 average federal tax rate was 28.04% (Total Tax divided by Taxable Income). See their 2015 tax returns here.

Go figure
How do you rank as a taxpayer?  Go to Kiplinger.com to find out what portion of the tax burden you bear according to your income status (updated December 2015).

Tax Legislation
Wow! Congress has passed an average of at least one tax bill per year since 1940.  Here's a summary from the Tax Policy Center.

CCH has a nice summary of and quick links to recent tax legislation, including acts signed into law and legislation that is making it's way through the House and Senate.

Go figure
Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  Read about the IRS's top Tax Scams.

Go Figure "A taxpayer is someone who works for the federal government but who doesn't have to take a civil service examination."  --Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan

Go figure
Didn't you always want to know more about the IRS?  Here's Historical Highlights of the IRS, dating back to its inception in 1862.

Go Figure "Tax complexity itself is a kind of tax."  --Senator Max Baucus (D-Montana)

Did You Know that the first 1040 was due to be filed by March 1, 1914?  No money was sent with the return.  Each return was verified by a field agent who sent out bills on June 1 with payment due by June 30.

The filing date was changed to March 15 by the Revenue Act of 1918.  April 15 became the filing deadline in 1955.